2022 UChicago Undergraduate Research Symposium
SESSION 1 (click for poster archive)
SESSION 2 (click for poster archive)
To access the virtual Symposium sessions (read abstracts and view posters) click on the hyperlinks for each session above.
See below for a complete list of student presenter name(s) and their assigned session (Session 1 or Session 2).
Thank you for celebrating undergraduate research and mentorship at the University of Chicago!
2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium Presenter List
Session 1: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM CT | Session 2: 1:00-3:00 PM CT |
Aarthi Koripelly, 2nd-Year, Computer Science | Abigail Case, 3rd-Year, Geophysical Sciences |
Ahmed Zaki, 4th-Year, Political Science, Economics | Aidan Jones, 2nd-Year, Physics |
Aidan Cloonan, 3rd-Year, Astronomy and Astrophysics | Ainsley Iwanicki, 2nd-Year, Chemistry |
Alex Hinkle, 4th-Year, Chemistry | Alex Rodriguez, 4th-Year, Biological Sciences |
Alexis Hatch, 2nd-Year, History | Alex Ellerstein, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Ana Bertuol, 2nd-Year, Biological Chemistry , Mathematics | Alexandra Masegian, 3rd-Year, Astrophysics |
Angel Soba, 4th-Year, Environmental and Urban Studies | Alina Kim, 4th-Year, Political Science, History |
Anjali Mirmira, 3rd-Year, Chemistry | Allie Chu, 3rd-Year, Computer Science, Media Arts and Design |
Anna Argulian, 3rd-Year, Biology | Amanda Hill, 2nd-Year, Biological Chemistry |
Anurima Mummaneni, 2nd-Year, Neuroscience | Anjali Kotamarthi, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Bernadette Miao, 3rd-Year, Chemistry, Biological Chemistry | Areeha Khalid, 4th-Year, Biology, Comparative Human Development |
Chi Ian Ip, 3rd-Year, Physics, Philosophy | Audrey Scott, 2nd-Year, Astrophyics, Anthropology; Rowen Glusman, 3rd-Year, Astrophysics; Isaiah Escapa, 2nd-Year, Astrophysics, Creative Writing |
Christina Pirrotta, 4th-Year, Molecular Engineering | Beatrice Katsnelson, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences; Elise Katsnelson, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Claire Fuschi, 4th-Year, Molecular Engineering | Benjamin Kash, 4th-Year, Chemistry, Molecular Engineering |
Daisy Coates, 4th-Year, Art History, Cinema and Media Studies | Blaise Munyampirwa, 4th-Year, Computer Science , Computational and Applied Mathematics |
Doga Sarier, 4th-Year, Economics, Art History | Bruce Ke Zhen Wen, 3rd-Year, Economics |
Elaine Liang, 2nd-Year, Philosophy and Allied Fields | Cal LeDoux, 2nd-Year, Geophysical Sciences |
Ellie Ostroff, 3rd-Year, Chemistry | Cassie Manrique, 4th-Year, Biological sciences |
Emilio Rosas Linhard, 2nd-Year, Molecular Engineering | Mudmee Sereeyothin, 2nd-Year, Neuroscience, Psychology |
Erica Hogan, 3rd-Year, Economics, Fundamentals | Christopher Zhu, 4th-Year, Computer Science |
George Li, 3rd-Year, Biology, Economics | Christopher Cebra, 4th-Year, Statistics, Mathematics |
Isabel O'Malley-Krohn, 4th-Year, Biology | Cole Meldorf, 4th-Year, Astrophysics, Physics |
Isabella Xu, 4th-Year, Biological Sciences | Dana Lin, 2nd-Year, Molecular Engineering |
Isabella Cisneros, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Dang Nguyen, 2nd-Year, Computer Science, Mathematics |
Jack Riley, 3rd-Year, Biochemistry, Chemistry | Daniel Paraizo, 4th-Year, Physics, Mathematics |
Jeff Guo, Recent Alum, Statistics | Diego Garza, 3rd-Year, Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Jessica Oros, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Edward Wang, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Economics (Data Science Specialization) |
Jessica Aaron, 2nd-Year, Philosophy, History | Elisabeth Snyder, 1st-Year, Law, Letters, and Society, Public Policy Studies; Anna Guzman, 2nd-Year, Law, Letters, and Society; |
Jessica Markman, 3rd-Year, Neuroscience, Creative Writing | Elise Katsnelson, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences; Beatrice Katsnelson, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Jessica Metzger, 4th-Year, physics, mathematics | Emma Kugelmass, 2nd-Year, Sociology, History |
Jielu Yu, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Eric Jiahan Zhao, 3rd-Year, Molecular Engineering |
Joel Gardner, 4th-Year, Chemistry, Mathematics | Ethan Yarberry, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Jonathan Zeevi, 2nd-Year, Neurology; Noor Amin, 3rd-Year, Neuroscience, Media Arts and Design | Gaby Berman, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Jonathan Chung, 4th-Year, History | Giácomo Rabaiolli Ramos, 4th-Year, Political Science, Anthropology |
Josephine Dawson, 3rd-Year, English Language and Literature; Caroline Galt, 4th-Year, English Language and Literature; Jacob Schroeder, 2nd-Year, Computer Science, English Language and Literature | Haley Nguyen, 3rd-Year, Physics |
Jovan Stanisavic, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Hannah Halpern, 3rd-Year, Classical Studies |
Julius Kim, 3rd-Year, Chemistry | Hugh Cairney, 2nd-Year, Physics |
Kaan Tarhan, 4th-Year, Chemistry | Huiting Liu, 4th-Year, Physics |
Kameel Khabaz, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Irene Li, 4th-Year, Fundamentals: Issues and Texts |
Katie Ko, 2nd-Year, Computer Science | Bella Gomez, 3rd-Year, Economics; Nicole Yao, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Economics; Narvella Sefah, 2nd-Year, Global Studies |
Kian Yoo-Sharifi, 4th-Year, Fundamentals: Issues and Texts | Koby Rosen, 1st-Year, Neuroscience |
Lauren Cecchini, 4th-Year, Global Studies , Russian and Eastern European Studies | Jacob Bernheim, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Leighton Stanfill, 3rd-Year, Linguistics | Jillyn Turunen, 3rd-Year, neuroscience |
Lingyue Yu, 3rd-Year, Biological Chemistry, Mathematics | Jo Blankson, 4th-Year, Fundamentals |
Livia Guttieres, 3rd-Year, Physics, Mathematics | João Shida, 4th-Year, Mol. Eng., Physics |
Lucas Lelis Graciliano, 2nd-Year, Economics, Computer Science | Joseph Geniesse, 3rd-Year, Chemistry, Environmental and Urban Studies |
Mac Maedke, 4th-Year, Physics, Molecular Engineering (Quantum Track) | Joseph Farrell, 3rd-Year, Economics, Computer Science |
Maggie Hayes, 4th-Year, Physics, Philosophy | Joshua Kim, 3rd-Year, Psychology |
Maggie Mills, 3rd-Year, Political Science; Teddy Foley; Robert Gorman | Juan-Pablo Armes, 2nd-Year, Environmental and Urban Studies |
Mari Knudson, 4th-Year, Environmental Studies | Julia Du, 4th-Year, Sociology, Economics |
Marti Gendel, 4th-Year, Biological Sciences | Julien Lee Heberling, 3rd-Year, Chemistry (B.S.), Biological Chemistry (B.S.) |
Maya Olcer, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences | k80 ambrose, 2nd-Year, Media Arts and Design, Sociology; Navid Mazidabadifarahani, 2nd-Year, History |
Maya Ordonez, 3rd-Year, Neuroscience , English Language and Literature | Kabir Dubey, 2nd-Year, Mathematics |
Miranda McKibben, 4th-Year, Biology | Karen Yuan, 4th-Year, Biological Sciences |
Nicole Yao, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Economics; Narvella Sefah, 2nd-Year, Global Studies; Bella Gomez, 3rd-Year, Economics | Kelly Zhang, 3rd-Year, Mathematics, Statistics |
Noel Cercizi, 3rd-Year, Chemistry, Psychology | Keyer Thyme, 3rd-Year, Physics |
Patrick Sun, 3rd-Year, Quantitative Biology | Kyla Mullaney, 2nd-Year, Astrophysics; George Afentakis, 2nd-Year, Physics, Mathematics |
Peyton Dooley, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences, Cinema and Media Studies | Laura Chen, 4th-Year, Biological Sciences, Public Policy |
Raj Shetty, 2nd-Year, Neuroscience | Lara Braverman, 4th-Year, Physics, Mathematics |
Rohan Venkat, 2nd-Year, Physics, Computer Science | Lev Copelan, 4th-Year, Psychology |
Sadie Seddon-Stettler, 4th-Year, Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics | Jason Chen, 3rd-Year, Molecular Engineering, Physics; Maia Driggers, 3rd-Year, Medieval Studies, Cinema and Media Studies; |
Sandhini Agarwal, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Liviu Megherea, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences, History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine (HIPS) |
Sara Salomon, 4th-Year, Neuroscience | Maddie Ouimet, 4th-Year, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations |
Sophie Hare, 3rd-Year, Public Policy | Manu Sundaresan, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Stephanie Kim, 3rd-Year, Computer Science, Philosophy; Spencer Ng, 3rd-Year, Computer Science; Clark Kovacs, 2nd-Year, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Fundamentals | Maren Klineberg, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Stephanie Reitzig, 4th-Year, History | Max Moncada Cohen, 4th-Year, Chemistry, Biological Chemistry |
Torres Shi, 3rd-Year, Art History | Meira Chasman, 3rd-Year, Cinema and Media Studies, Political Science |
Tyler Mandrell, 4th-Year, Psychology, Comparative Human Development | Jacky Li, 4th-Year, Physics |
Uma Mani, 2nd-Year, Neuroscience | Michael Han, 3rd-Year, Chemistry, Economics |
William Cerny, 4th-Year, Astrophysics | Minerva Roscoe, 2nd-Year, Physics |
Wilson Turner, 3rd-Year, Molecular Engineering, Chemistry | Morten Lee, 3rd-Year, Chemistry |
Violet Wu, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences | Nathaniel Selub, 2nd-Year, Physics, Mathematics |
Yiqin Gao, 4th-Year, Neuroscience, Computational and Applied Mathematics; Bianca Campagnari, 3rd-Year, Biology, Psychology | Nidhi Talasani, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences |
Yue Pan, 3rd-Year, Astrophysics | Noah Dohrmann, 3rd-Year, Molecular Engineering |
Yuerong Zhuang, 3rd-Year, Economics, Computational and Applied Math | Noor Amin, 3rd-Year, Neuroscience, Media Arts and Design |
Yunyan Mo, 3rd-Year, Geophysical Sciences | Paddy Liu, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Philosophy |
Zander Arnao, 3rd-Year, Public Policy Studies | Raj Tummala, 2nd-Year, Biochemistry, Mathematics |
Zebeeb Nuguse, 4th-Year, Environmental and Urban Studies | Raul Gomez del Estal Teixeira, 2nd-Year, Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Ziyu Ren, 2nd-Year, Psychology, Data Science | Rebecca Greenberg, 4th-Year, Psychology |
Rhea Shah, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Specialization Cancer Biology, Romance Languages and Literatures | |
Sarah Weber, 2nd-Year, Biological Sciences , Neuroscience | |
Sarah Melton, 3rd-Year, Chemistry | |
Seth Nguyen, 3rd-Year, Art History, Religious Studies | |
Shivani Chatterji, 3rd-Year, Molecular Engineering, Chemistry | |
Sophie Barth, 2nd-Year, Psychology | |
Katherine Nurminsky, 4th-Year, Mathematics, Tissue Engineering; Stephanie Ran, 3rd-Year, Biological Sciences, Computer Science; | |
Stephanie Zhang, 4th-Year, History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine; Joel Ssepuuya, 2nd-Year, Anthropology | |
Tatiana Rachlin, 2nd-Year, Psychology | |
Tinyan Dada, 4th-Year, Comparative Human Development | |
Tori Ankel, 3rd-Year, Physics, Mathematics | |
Trent Davis, 3rd-Year, Neuroscience, Visual Arts | |
Walker Gillett, 4th-Year, Molecular Engineering | |
Wanran Zhao, 2nd-Year, Undeclared | |
Yohhan Kumarasinghe, 3rd-Year, Statistics |