STEP 1: Write and Submit Your Abstract
- Check out information and tips on the "Abstract Writing" page.
- Register for an Abstract Writing Workshop (details and registration links on the main Symposium page).
- Review the Abstract Writing Workshop slides and recording in the Resource Library.
- Decide whether to apply for a poster or oral presentation (see the FAQs for more info).
- Share your abstract with your research mentor, as they will need to approve it.
- Revise your abstract if needed, based on feedback from CCRF reviewers.
STEP 2: Register for CCRF Symposium Series Workshops
Dates of 2025 workshops will be posted soon.
Designing a Research Poster:
This session provides techniques and tips for designing effective research posters, particularly for the upcoming University of Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium. However, the session will be useful for anyone who anticipates presenting their work in digital, in-person, or hybrid poster sessions.
Preparing an Oral Presentation:
This session covers the basics of an oral conference presentation, including a suggested structure for your remarks and the use of visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint slides). We will also discuss fielding questions during the Q&A portion of your presentation.
Practice and Workshop Sessions: As the Symposium draws near, these sessions will give you the chance to practice speaking about your work (as you will during a poster session) or delivering remarks in front of an audience (as you will during an oral presentation). Build comfort and confidence by practicing and getting friendly feedback!
STEP 3: Create a Poster OR Draft Your Oral Presentation and Upload Your Materials
Poster Guidelines
- Slides and a recording of our poster workshop are available in the Resource Library.
- We will provide an easel, a rigid foam backing board, and binder clips for you to attach your poster to the backing board. The foam board will measure 40 x 32 inches; these should also be the dimensions of your poster. (See the example photo above.)
- Posters are usually designed using software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Set a custom page size of 40 x 32 inches. Many research poster templates can also be found online (e.g., here and here). Typically, when you are ready to print, you will save your poster as a PDF for transmission to the printer.
- You are responsible for having your poster printed and bringing it with you to the Symposium. You may have your poster printed wherever you like. You can pay extra to have your poster permanently mounted to a rigid backing, but many people opt not to do this so that they can roll up their posters for easy transport. Printing options include:
- UChicago Graphic Arts [on campus]
- The Business Center at Chicago Booth [on campus]
- FedEx Office [near campus]
- PosterNerd [online; the cheapest option, but you must factor in shipping time]
- Many online resources offer advice and design tips for preparing research posters.
- For more information on designing a research poster, register for one of our workshops and review the materials from prior workshops in our Resource Library.
- Also, check out your peers' posters from prior Undergraduate Research Symposia. Look for design choices you find particularly effective and incorporate them into your own poster!
- Review your poster with your research mentor(s) before printing it. Getting feedback and revising is essential at every stage of the research process, and posters are no exception.
- If the cost of printing a poster presents a substantial burden to your participation in the Undergraduate Research Symposium, CCRF has limited funding available to defray the cost. Click here to learn more.
- Return to your Symposium application to confirm your participation and upload your poster by April 19, 2024.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
- Your oral presentation should be no more than 10 minutes in length and will be followed by ~3 minutes of question-and-answer.
- A frequently-cited metric is that people speak about 140 words per minute at an average, intelligible speed. This means that your 10-minute presentation should not exceed 1,400 words, and should likely be even a bit shorter than that!
- We will provide a podium with a computer for projecting slides. The use of slides is optional and slides will need to be provided in advance. We will communicate the details directly to presenters.
- Limit your slides! We recommend no more than six slides. Too many slides, or slides with too much information, will distract from your spoken presentation.
- Write out what you are planning to say and practice to make sure it adheres to the 10-minute maximum. Practice!
- For more information on the content and structure of your presentation, register for one of our workshops and review the materials from prior workshops in our Resource Library.
- Return to your Symposium application to confirm your participation and upload your slides by April 19, 2024.
STEP 4: Practice and Present!
Your research mentor(s), research collaborators, classmates, and friends can offer different perspectives on your presentation--from disciplinary experts who can ensure accuracy to non-specialists who can help you hone your message.
We strongly encourage you to register for a practice session, as well; see the links in Step 2, above.