Harry S. Truman Scholarship

Provides funding for graduate school in support of a career in public service.

What is the Truman Scholarship? The Truman Foundation is the nation’s official living memorial to our thirty-third president and The Presidential Memorial to Public Service. Created by Congress in 1975, the Foundation was President Truman’s idea. President Truman did not want a bricks and mortar monument. Instead, he encouraged a living memorial that would give life to the values of service that had animated his career. In that spirit, the Truman Foundation is a place that nurtures and supports future generations who answer the call to public service leadership.

The hallmark of the Foundation’s work is the Truman Scholarship, the premier graduate fellowship in the United States for those pursuing careers as public service leaders. Our mission makes us a beacon for public service for young people across the United States. Our vision is of a country that deeply values public servants. In pursuit of this mission and vision, we offer multiple programs for Truman Scholars.

Supporting the Future of Public Service: We identify young people at an important inflection point in their development—when they are college juniors—and recognize and reward their commitments to devote themselves to public service. We take risks by investing in leaders when they are young. Although certainly accomplished, many are still largely untested at that age. Yet when you look at what the now more than 3,000 Truman Scholars have achieved, our risk-taking is paying off.  For a small investment – at the right time – the returns are impressive.

Trumans are working in the West Wing, sitting on the US Supreme Court, and serving in federal and state legislatures. They are transforming nonprofits, delivering crucial services and organizing for change in local communities.  And Truman Scholars are leaders in academia, research, and health care.  They can be found in every branch of the Armed Services.  And many make a difference beyond the borders of the United States.

The Truman Scholarship provides up to $30,000 toward graduate studies for students who will pursue a career in public service. Students must be College third-years (juniors or at least two full years before graduation) at the time of selection. Scholars are invited to participate in a number of programs: Truman Scholar Leadership Week, The Summer Institute, The Truman Fellows Program, and the Public Service Law Conference. The Truman Foundation also provides assistance with career counseling, internship placement, graduate school admissions, and professional development.

Watch the 2016 40th Anniversary Truman video to learn more about the program and its scholars!

Deadline Information

Campus Application Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024

National Deadline: Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Truman Scholars are required to work in public service for three of the seven years following completion of a their graduate degree program as a condition of receiving Truman funds.

Eligibility Requirements


  • At the time you apply, you must be a full-time student pursuing a bachelor's degree with junior-level academic standing (year 3); or, have senior-level standing in your third year of college enrollment. Note: Students who are already attending graduate school are not eligible for the Truman Scholarship.
  • Be a U.S. citizen (or a U.S. national) or expect to receive U.S. citizenship by the date the Scholarship will be awarded.

Selection Criteria:

  • The Foundation seeks future "change agents" who aspire to leadership positions in federal, state, or local governments or in the not-for-profit and education sectors where they can influence public policies and change public programs. Criteria for selecting Truman Scholars are:

    • outstanding record of leadership and evidence of ability to deliver concrete results,

    • extensive records of public and community service,

    • commitment to careers in government or elsewhere in the public sector,

    • desire to influence public policies or education programs,

    • academic excellence, and

    • intent to pursue a master's degree, a doctorate, or a professional degree such as a law degree or a Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Master of Education, Master of Public Policy, or Master of International Affairs (MBAs are not funded).

Application Process

Students must be nominated by the University of Chicago to apply for this award. The University may nominate up to four students, plus two additional transfer students, for consideration at the national level. 

**2025 Truman Scholarship Statement of Intent: Students who intend to apply for the Truman Scholarship this cycle and wish to meet with a CCRF advisor for a 30-minute advising appointment during August 2024, should submit their CV and four short essay questions to Arthur Salvo (aksalvo@uchicago.edu) before August 1, 2024. See details here. This meeting is optional.** 

In order to be nominated by the University, students must submit a complete Truman Scholarship Campus Application by the stated campus deadline, Monday September 16, 2024. Applications are submitted through the Truman Campus Application Portal here. The complete Campus Application includes:

As you develop your campus application materials, you are strongly encouraged to leverage the Truman Scholarship website: truman.gov. In particular, Advice & Guidance provides indispensable insight into the application process. For a more informal, though no less authoritative, voice please refer to the Truman Scholarship twitter account, @trumanapp -- their #TrumanTips are invaluable.

For more information on this opportunity, please contact: 
Arthur Salvo