Nicholson Undergraduate Archival Research Grant
he Nicholson Center for British Studies is pleased to announce a new opportunity to support BA thesis research in British Studies (broadly conceived).
The Nicholson Center for British Studies is pleased to announce a new opportunity to support BA thesis research in British Studies (broadly conceived). This grant will allow students, who need research materials located in an archive/institution in the British Isles (including Ireland) to go obtain them without needing to travel.
The Nicholson Center is happy to support a senior project proposed by any Humanities, Social Sciences, or New Collegiate Division undergraduate who is within a year of graduating, provided that the student requires research – whether in the form of archival or visual, or oral materials – from the British Isles (or Ireland) to complete his/her senior thesis. Applicants need not have the British Isles themselves as the subject of their research. We will happily support work on Africa, South Asia, East Asia, North America, the Middle East, or the West Indies that requires materials from an archive located in the British Isles. Research projects about Ireland, or materials from an archive located in Ireland also meet our requirements.
Application Process:
All applicants are encouraged to work closely with a faculty member (or lecturer or preceptor) in determining access to archives, availability of materials and budgeting.
Your application materials should be e-mailed as a single Word or PDF attachment to Jeanne Fitzsimmons ( by March 10, 2021.
[Note: If you are having difficulty combining the PDF of your academic history/electronic transcript with the rest of your electronic application, you may send your transcript as a separate PDF but this must be ATTACHED TO THE SAME EMAIL as the one containing the rest of your electronic application materials and we will combine the files.]
The application materials include:
-Nicholson Undergraduate Archival Research Grant (Non-travel) Cover Sheet
-2-page statement of purpose, which includes a description of the unique materials to be examined in the British Isles
-An estimate of the funds needed to complete the project
[NOTE: Consult with a faculty member from the University of Chicago who is your advisor and also the archive/archivist at the institution in the British Isles (including Ireland), where the materials are located, to determine this estimate]
-Unofficial Transcript (for electronic application copy submitted, you may send a PDF of your academic history or electronic transcript)
-Letter of recommendation from a University of Chicago faculty member, lecturer, preceptor or academic advisor who is familiar with the student's project (to be emailed directly to Jeanne Fitzsimmons [])
If applicants have any questions about eligibility/ the application process, please contact Jeanne Fitzsimmons (