REU: Computational Sensing for Human-Centered AI

Opportunity Description:

The REU Site in Computational Sensing for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) recognizes that as the boundaries between HCI and AI blur, and AI grows increasingly agile and pervasive, the next generation of computational scientists must be capable of responsibly and effectively leveraging a spectrum of sensing data from data-generating humans. With this focus, the REU Site will expand its trajectory as an attractor for highly diverse students who will gain experience with sensing hardware and software towards transformative advances in intelligent systems focused on human behaviors and cognitive processes. Enabling diverse stakeholders early in their careers to discover how to collect, fuse, make inference with, and visualize multimodal human data can transform how humans and machines engage and collaborate.

The research in the REU Site will address two limitations in AI: first, that underserved populations are at risk of being marginalized with the present focus on big data AI and, second, that AI trainees often lack experience with human data collection and critical thinking about human-elicited datasets. The REU Site will stimulate novel, safe ways for systems to team up with people to address society's vexing problems while remaining fair, attuned to bias, and representative of the diverse fabric of the general population.

The Computational Sensing for Human-centered AI Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program is a 10-week research experience from May to August 2022. Participants will receive a $6,000 stipend as well as coverage of the costs for travel to Rochester, New York, and housing is provided.

Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements: 

The program is open to U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents. Please also see the FAQ:

Application Process: 

Submit your application here.

Application Deadline: 

Monday, March 7, 2022