Materials Science & Engineering REU at University of Missouri
Opportunity Description:
Innovation in materials design and processing requires not only a fundamental understanding of the interrelationships among structure, composition, processing, and properties, but also creative thinking and approaches. Creativity training is a necessary and fundamental component to building innovative capabilities in scientists and engineers, but is rarely part of traditional curricula. Building on MU Bioengineering’s established “creativity in engineering” undergraduate program, the REU Site will fill a critical gap in workforce development in materials design and manufacture, and address a national need for researchers who can solve complex, interconnected problems. Summer research projects will focus on understanding and predicting such relationships for micro- and nano-structured materials across a wide spectrum of applications, including sensors, batteries, reactors, and implantable devices. Student will learn a variety of approaches, including atomistic simulation, coarse-grain modeling, and materials design / fabrication / characterization techniques, in addition to proven, theatre-based approaches that will increase creativity and boost innovation. Projects will provide students with unique, marketable skills in computational modeling, materials science design, processing, characterization, and creative thinking.
Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants are expected to have completed at least one year of full-time college enrollment prior to June and be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. Students from non-Ph.D.-granting institutions and institutions that support under-represented minority students, as well as under-represented students, are highly encouraged to apply.
This program is for visiting students only, students from the University of Missouri are not eligible.
Application Process:
Students must complete the application form and provide the following components:
- Unofficial transcript (including Fall 2021 grades)
- Letters of recommendation (two preferred)
- Resume
- Personal statement indicating career plans, prior research experience, and research interests
Students will also list up to 8 faculty that they are interested in working with on their application. A complete list of the faculty participating in the program can be found here.
If completed online, documents will be submitted with the online application. Application packets can also be sent via e-mail to Letters of recommendation may be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Research via the same e-mail. Questions can be directed to the MU Office of Undergraduate Research via e-mail or phone, 573-882-5979.
Application deadline: February 20, 2022