The Epathlon Center for Hellenic Studies Research Fellowship
It provides means and opportunity to conduct research on any aspect of the Hellenic world from antiquity to the present day.
The Epathlon Research Fellowship targets advanced undergraduates and graduate students of any field in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. It provides means and opportunity to conduct research on any aspect of the Hellenic world from antiquity to the present day.
The fellowship may be used for travel to classical and post-classical (i.e. Byzantine, Ottoman, post-Ottoman and contemporary) sites and collections or to other research centers, fees, and/or for living expenses during their research projects.
The Center for Hellenic Studies will offer four fellowships of up to $4,000 each during AY 2021-22
Although the Fellowship may be used for research abroad, it does not require such research. However, it does require that students have a well-developed research project by the time they apply.
To apply for the Epathlon Fellowship, please submit to the Center for Hellenic Studies’ Associate Director, Dr. Stefanos Katsikas (, by Friday April 2nd (2021) at 5:00PM CT:
Application Process:
To apply for the Epathlon Fellowship, please submit to the Center for Hellenic Studies’ Associate Director, Dr. Stefanos Katsikas (, by Friday April 2nd (2021) at 5:00PM CT:
- A current copy of your transcript
- A 1,500-word research plan outlining your project and its relationship to existing knowledge in the field
- A provisional budget
- A letter of recommendation from a faculty supervisor
The above items should be submitted in a single pdf document which should be sent as an attachment to Dr. Stefanos Katsikas (
The successful applicants must present their work at Hellenic Studies Colloquium during the AT 2022-23 for feedback, as well as at a public event organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies in the Spring of AY 2022-23. Upon completion, the successful candidates must submit a written report of what they achieved during the Epathlon Fellowship to the Associate Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies.