Post a Research Opportunity

The College is committed to helping students engage in meaningful scholarly research experiences as active participants in UChicago’s world-class research enterprise under the guidance of faculty mentors or other discipline-specific experts. Listing your research opportunity or indicating your willingness to be an undergraduate research mentor is vital for this work.

Post a Research Opportunity Post a Mentor Post a Lab, Center or Institute

You can utitlize all three of these options or any combination:

  • Post a Research Opportunity: List an undergraduate research opportunity with yourself, a group of faculty researchers, your lab or research institute.
    • This option asks you to provide details about the opportunity including the scope of the undergraduate's responsibilities, desired skills, and learning outcomes. You can also indicate if this position is funded. 
  • Post a Mentor: List yourself as a mentor.
    • This option allows you to indicate that you work with undergraduate researchers and are willing to be contacted by those interested in pursuing undergraduate research with you. You will be asked to provide a brief, general statement about your work and provide contact information. 
  • Post a Lab, Center or Institute: List your lab, research institute or center.
    • This option allows you to identiy your lab, research group, institute or center as one that regularly supports undergraduate researchers. You will provide general information and a website.

If you are faculty member, post-doc, graduate student or staff member posting an opportunity, you will be required to login using your CNetID before posting anything to the database. 

If you have a specialized undergraduate research grant, scholarship, or fellowship program that you would like to include in the database, please contact Nichole Fazio, Director of the CCRF, directly by email: We will work with you to list that opportunity.

Thank you for posting your research opportunity in this database and for your dedication to enhanced undergraduate education through research. If you have any questions about posting your opportunity, please contact Nichole Fazio, Director of the College Center for Research and Fellowships: