American Heart Association, Founders Affiliate Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowship Program
The goal of this program is to encourage students to pursue careers in cardiovascular research. Research projects with broad relevance to cardiovascular biology and stroke will be considered.
American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Washington, D.C.
The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented undergraduate students who wish to, and have demonstrated the ability to pursue graduate careers in microbiology.
Association of American Medical Colleges Summer Undergraduate Research Programs (SURP) - Various locations
Summer undergraduate research experiences in medical sciences at AAMC partner institutions
Biomedical Research Apprenticeship Program - Washington University in St. Louis, MO
10-week summer research programs for exceptional students interested in pursuing biomedical research careers.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Summer Undergraduate Research Program - Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Provides a place where young people are instructed in the techniques of modern biology while becoming integrated members of a vibrant scientific community. Students from around the world are accepted to the fully subsidized, 10-week summer program to work with senior Laboratory staff members on independent research projects.
Four Directions Summer Research Program - Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Students are assigned a medical school faculty mentor who will work closely with the student to ensure completion of a research project over the 8-week summer period.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Summer Intern Program - Seattle, WA
Students spend a nine week period as part of a research team after selecting an area of interest, such as: cellular biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, membrane biology, molecular biology, molecular immunology, structural biology, oncogenes, or virology.
GSK Summer Undergraduate Research Program - Gerstner Sloan-Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, NY
This ten-week research program is designed for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedically related sciences.
Health Educational Research Opportunity (HERO) - Virginia Commonwealth University
10-week summer research experiences for undergraduate students and first-year medical or dental students. Students have the opportunity to work with VCU faculty on research projects that focus on diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung and blood, blood resources, and sleep disorders.
Institute for Systems Biology, Undergraduate Summer Internship Program - Seattle, WA
The Center for Systems Biology provides highly motivated undergraduate students internship opportunities in several Faculty groups.
Integrated Biological Sciences Summer Research Program - University of Wisconsin, WI
In the Integrated Biological Sciences Summer Research Program, students do independent research projects with faculty mentors for ten weeks in one of seven research areas: Biochemistry/Biophysics, Bioenergy, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Computational Biology & Biostatistics, Ecology, Plants and Environmental Systems, Neurobiology, Virology.
Life Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Program (LSSURP) University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota LSSURP oversees and coordinates six life sciences programs. The programs begin with a joint orientation weekend, followed by participation in a 10-week research project under the direction of a University of Minnesota faculty mentor, and numerous special activities focused on professional development as well as social interaction.
Lincoln Park Zoo Learning Research Internship - Chicago, IL
The Learning Research Intern will work with the Learning Research and Planning Coordinator to complete a project(s) that will allow him/her to gain experience in the field of informal education or evaluation.
Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement - Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP)
The program provides opportunities for enhanced public health leadership training to focus on elimination of health disparities and promotion of health equity.
Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Rochester, MN
Is an opportunity to build your skills as a young scientist or test your inclinations toward research.
Medical Scientist Training Program (MD, PHD) - University of Iowa Iowa City, IA
Offers an intensive experience for undergraduates interested in combined MD/PhD training for a career as a physician-scientist. The program provides students with experience in research laboratories and exposure to clinical medicine and medically-relevant research.
NIH Undergraduate Student Scholars Program at UPenn - NIH Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive and Liver Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania
An organized program of summer lectures and presentations combined with basic research experience in the laboratory of an expert investigator. Curriculum is designed specifically for undergraduate students with an interest in biomedical research, with the eventual goal of MD, PhD, or MD-PhD degrees.
NYU School of Medicine Summer Undergraduate Research Program - New York University School of Medicine, NY
Offers a Summer Undergraduate Research Program for qualified sophomores and juniors who are interested in pursuing M.D., M.D./Ph.D. or Ph.D. degrees and a career in research.
Plant Genomics Internship - University of Missouri
Provide training opportunities for undergraduates who wish to participate in collaborative research. Research areas include: genome organization, gene expression, signal transduction, hormone action, organelle biochemistry, disease resistance and crop plant productivity.
Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research Project L/EARN - New Jersey
A program designed to increase graduate school enrollment among students from groups that are traditionally under-represented in health-related graduate programs
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Undergraduate Intern Program - Seattle, WA
An opportunity to spend the summer working with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to infectious disease research. Each summer, Seattle BioMed will place three highly qualified undergraduate interns at the Institute.
Short-Term Training Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research - Wright State University Dayton, OH
STREAMS is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health to encourage members of under-represented minority groups and students with disabilities to choose careers in cardiovascular-related research. Students spend 80 percent of their time in the program doing laboratory research under the supervision of a faculty mentor.
STEER Program: Short Term Educational Experiences for Research in Environmental Health Sciences for Undergraduate Students - University of California
Spend eight weeks working with a University of California researcher in a paid summer internship program on how the environment affects human health. Gain valuable experience and join other students who are interested in careers in science working on research projects that could be important for future academic and career opportunities.
Summer Biomedical Training Program - University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD
Provides biomedical research experiences for undergraduate students, particularly those underrepresented in the field, who are interested in receiving a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in biomedicine.
Summer Medical and Research Training Program - Baylor College of Medicine, TX
The program is for undergraduate students who are interested in exploring a career in scientific research.
Summer Research Internship Program in Biomedicine - University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA
Offers summer research internship opportunities to qualified college undergraduates considering a career in biomedical research.
Summer Research Program at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute - Oakland, California
The CHORI Summer Research Program is designed to provide an opportunity for students to immerse themselves fully in the world of basic and/or clinical research for three months during the summer.
Summer Research Program for Undergraduate Minority Students - Tufts University Boston, MA
Provides a mentored, 10-week research intensive experience for undergraduates who are interested in pursuing PhD or MD/PhD training upon completion of the baccalaureate degree.
Summer Research Program in Genomics (SRPG) - BROAD Institute of MIT and Harvard University
Designed for underrepresented minority undergraduate students with an interest in the physical, biological, or computer sciences, engineering, or mathematics and a commitment to research. Students will spend the summer in a laboratory at the Broad Institute, where they will perform original scientific research.
Summer Student Program, Jackson Laboratory - Bar Harbor, Maine
The program focuses on the methods of science and communication. The students work closely with a faculty mentor, participate in active research groups, and conduct their work in a highly interactive and team oriented atmosphere under the guidance of their mentor.
Summer Undergraduate Program for Educating Radiation Scientists - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Looking to attract talented undergraduate students into research careers in the disciplines of radiobiology, radiation physics, cancer biology, cancer imaging or pathophysiology.
Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Molecular and Quantitative & Computational Biology – Princeton University
Provide intensive laboratory research experiences to a select group of undergraduates chosen from a nationwide pool. Each student joins a research group – headed by a Faculty member – and carries out an original research project.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) at the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center - Dallas, TX
An intensive summer research training experience designed for college students who are preparing for careers in biological research. Fellows spend ten weeks pursuing individual research projects in the laboratories of UT Southwestern Graduate School faculty members.
Summer Research Opportunities in Biological Sciences at Duke University – Durham, NC
A ten week summer program for research in systems biology.
The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Internship Challenge - Various Locations, Massachusetts
Facilitates the placement of students and recent graduates who are considering career opportunities in the life sciences in paid summer internships across the state.
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R25 Summer Research Program (SRP) - Eugene, Oregon
Funding for summer research in various disciplines within the biological sciences at the University of Oregon
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease STEP-UP Program - Various Locations
Provides undergraduate students an opportunity to spend 10 weeks at a university of their choice working with faculty on research projects. Students can work in such areas as diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, nutrition, obesity, digestive, liver, urologic, kidney and hematologic diseases.
The Stanford Summer Research Program in Biomedical Sciences (SSRP) - Stanford University
A fully funded, eight week, residential internship program combines a rigorous research opportunity with comprehensive mentoring. Aimed at undergraduates who want to prepare for and enter Ph.D. programs in the biomedical sciences.
The University of Maryland School of Public Health Summer Training and Research (STAR) Program
Designed to provide traditionally under-represented undergraduate students with 2 consecutive summers of a 10-week research training and career development program to enhance their potential to apply for and complete graduate degrees in biomedical and behavioral science relevant to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.
UCSF Summer Research Training Program - University of California, San Francisco
College students planning to earn a PhD in the field spend up to 10 weeks working with UCSF faculty members on research projects. Students selected for summer research at UCSF will participate in seminars, lectures, and social events, creating a cohesive community of student researchers.
University of Chicago Research in the Biological Sciences: Summer Program - Chicago, IL
A four-week intensive training program designed to expose students to a broad range of molecular and cell biological techniques currently used in research laboratories. Students are immersed in research experience, giving them a taste of "life at the bench."
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Summer Undergraduate Research Program - University of Massachusetts
A non-credit, ten-week, structured research experience. The program consists of "hands-on" laboratory research experience with an investigator serving as a mentor, role model and advisor.
University of Michigan Medical School Undergraduate Research Programs - University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
Summer undergraduate research experiences offer students the opportunity to participate in exciting projects, mentored by and working side-by-side with scientists.
University of Rochester Medical Center, Summer Scholars Program
For undergraduate students interested in the Ph.D. degree in the Biological or Biomedical Sciences and for Students with a potential interest in attending graduate school at the University of Rochester.