1 Start 2 Complete STEM SUMMER RESEARCH IN GERMANY Join us for an information session about DAAD RISE Germany, a program that offers STEM undergraduates the opportunity to spend a summer working with PhD students on cutting-edge research in Germany. Open to students in the fields of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, computer science, physics (and closely related fields). Recipients receive a stipend for living expenses, a travel stipend, and health insurance; no knowledge of German is needed. To attend, please RSVP in advance below: DAAD RISE Information Session Harper Memorial Library, Room 284 Wednesday, October 16, 12:00 - 1:00 PM First Name * Preferred First Name (if different) Last Name * UCID Number * 8-digit code (########) UChicago Email Address * GPA * Primary Major * Secondary Major(s) Graduation Year (anticipated or actual) *