University of Massachusetts Medical School Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Opportunity Description:

The UMass Chan Medical School Summer Undergraduate Research Program is a non-credit, ten-week, structured research experience sponsored by UMass Chan Office of Outreach Programs. The program consists of "hands-on" laboratory research with an investigator serving as a mentor, role model and advisor. 

The Summer Undergraduate Research Program is funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and UMass Chan Provost’s Office Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE).

The program is designed to provide participants in-depth exposure to actual bio medical research. Participants will create career-building connections between researchers, post docs, graduate students, and peers. The program encourages participants to consider biomedical research as a viable career choice.

Program benefits include:

  • Intense research experience in state of the art laboratories
  • Summer Research Fellows receive a stipend of $4000. Stipends are paid to participants in three payments over the ten week program
  • Travel and housing is paid for and arranged by the program
  • Transportation is provided week days to and from the campus
  • Participants prepare and present a professional research poster 

Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements: 

All participants must be at least eighteen years old, matriculating and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply, GPA/must be in good academic standing. Participants cannot be receiving funding from any other sources during the program. Participants MUST have proof of health insurance coverage prior to acceptance to the program.

 ***College seniors who will have graduated by the time the program starts in June are not eligible.***

When submitting an application please check off one of the following funding sources:

  1. To be eligible for NIH funding at least ONE of the following requirements must apply:
    • Member of a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in biomedical research (African American, Native American [Hawaiian and Alaskan] and Hispanic/Latino)
    • Family meets criteria for disadvantaged (economic or educational) status
    • Presently receive accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act
  2. Participants who do not meet any of the criteria above, please select SURE funding

Application Process: 

Applications must be submitted online here. Applications will be available on November 15, 2020. The application submission deadline is March 1, 2022.

Students offered acceptance and placed on the alternate list must have the Registrar at their current institution submit an official transcript that includes the spring 2022-semester courses or a letter from Registrar by email or mail confirming spring 2022 enrollment. Students who fail to meet this requirement will not be able to participate in the program.

The online application must include the following upload documents:

  • A current resume
  • Copy of a current unofficial transcript
  • Copy of previous undergraduate institution transcripts
  • A personal statement (1-2 pages describing personal background interest & why you would like to be part of this program)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (uploaded by recommenders)

Application Deadline: 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022
For more information on this opportunity, please contact: