Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Physics for Women and Minorities at UChicago
Opportunity Description:
The University of Chicago Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Physics, supported by the National Science Foundation offers undergraduates (members of underrepresented minority groups (African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans) and women) the opportunity to gain research experience working in the laboratory or research group of a Physics Department faculty member. The program is particularly intended at encouraging participation by members of underrepresented minority groups (African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans) and women.
Supplementing this valuable practical experience, faculty and graduate students present special lectures to provide an overview of the wide-ranging research conducted in our Department. Ten to fifteen internships will be awarded for the ten-week program, June 6 through August 13. The stipend for the full ten-week program will be $6,000. Housing will be provided, and there will be modest travel expense reimbursement.
Possible research areas include:
- Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
- Experimental and Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
- Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos (see condensed matter physics)
- Space and Cosmic Ray Physics (see astrophysics)
- Theoretical and Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Experimental Atomic Physics & Ultracold Atoms
- Experimental Biophysics
Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements:
Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are enrolled in (but not yet graduated from) an accredited undergraduate college degree program with a concentration in physics or related engineering field.
Application Process:
To apply to this REU program, submit the online application.