National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R25 Summer Research Program (SRP)
Opportunity Description:
The University of Oregon R25 Summer Research Program (R25 SRP) offers fellowship opportunities for undergraduates to participate in ongoing NICHD funded research in a mentored research program. The R25 Summer Research Program features: Research project mentored by experienced investigators Weekly Faculty Seminar series Weekly Professional Workshop series Social, recreational, and cultural activities Ethical issues in science series Weekly undergraduate research group discussion Training in scientific communication Undergraduate Research Symposium Opportunity to present at a national conference Stipend paid at the end of each month Round-trip travel from home to program Room and board Summer Pass to the UO Student Recreation Center Possible research areas include the following: Biochemistry Structural Biology and Biophysics Developmental Biology Neuroscience Molecular Biology Human Physiology Linguistics Psychology Deadline Information Deadline: Ongoing
Primary Responsibilities:
The program expects that students participate in all parts of the program. Although interns will spend most of their time in the labs, they will also be required to attend seminar series throughout the week.
- Each Monday morning, R25 Summer Research Program (SRP) Fellows attend a Faculty Research Seminar Series presentation on a specific area of life sciences research given by a different UO Professor.
- Each Thursday morning, R25 SRP Fellows attend a Professional Development Workshop Series presentation or a facilities tour.
- One evening each week all interns discuss their ongoing research with their fellow interns at the Research Discussion Group Series.
- Once or twice each week, the R25 SRP Director meets for lunch in the cafeteria with all the R25 SRP students to hear comments, complaints, problems, ideas for improving the program, etc.
- One or more evenings per week, the R25 SRP group gathers with the R25 SRP facilitator (a UO undergraduate researcher who participates in R25 SRP, living in the dorms with the R25 SRP group) to plan weekend activities/excursions.
- Although the work is intensive, we also expect students to have fun during the summer.
Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements:
All applicants should:
- Have completed at least one year of undergraduate coursework by summer
- Be undergraduates in good standing
- Be strongly motivated to participate in ongoing research projects
- Be US citizens or permanent residents
- PLEASE NOTE: Special consideration is given to qualified students who are also members of a group under-represented in the sciences (e.g., low income and first generation, Native American, African American, Latino, or Pacific Islander) and students with limited access to reseach opportunities.
Application Process:
Steps in the application process:
- Complete the online application. You will be directed to another site. Be sure to select R25SRP as the program you are applying to.
- Request two letters of recommendation from professors or instructors familiar with your work. Letters should address the applicant's potential for scientific research. Please have your references send letters to:
- If you have questions, visit the FAQs page or email the program directors If you encounter any problem submitting your application online, please submit your information by email to our Summer Programs Administrator at More Application information here: ROLLING DEADLINE; Offers of admission start being made the last Monday in February.