Metropolitan Research Council Summer Research Assistant

Opportunity Description:

We’re currently recruiting RAs for Summer 2020, particularly for the following priority projects:

Equitable transit-oriented development.  Equitable transit-oriented development (eTOD) prioritizes the land around transit as model locations for holistic community development partnering with locals leaders to shape projects that are responsive to the social, cultural, economic and environmental needs of the neighborhood.  This project works to encourage more of the region’s development to occur in areas near our public transportation lines, so as to reduce congestion, eliminate pollution and boost economic development. MPC is currently conducting an analysis of TOD development since the TOD ordinance passed in 2013, and preparing to lead a community engagement process in East Garfield Park and Washington Heights. An RA would support Elevated Chicago work and general TOD education and outreach. Skills needed some knowledge of community development principles,  data analysis,  GIS, research and writing skills, community outreach and logistics coordination.

Our Equitable Future. Projects include advancing a community-informed equity platform during the early days of Mayor Lightfoot's administration, support in coordinating a diversity, equity, inclusion cohort as well as supporting the advancement of other Our Equitable Futurerecommendations led by MPC. Community outreach and project coordination, qualitative and quantitative research and strong writing and communication skills are needed.

Great Rivers Chicago. This project is working to implement an exciting vision for the next 100 years of Chicago’s rivers. Community engagement, GIS, research, writing, and design skills needed.

Government Effectiveness. This project is identifying ways to make our governmental bodies more effective by streamlining delivery and consolidating services, both through the advancement of state-level enabling legislation and through local technical assistance projects. GIS, qualitative and quantitative research and writing skills needed, and a strong interest in policymaking and the legislative process is desirable.

Transportation. MPC works on a wide range of transportation issues and advocates for strong regional policies.  This RA will work on projects including a report on universal mobility and research around transportation demand management.

Stormwater management. MPC works to prevent flooding, improve water quality and foster social, economic and environmental benefits within communities. Through our work at state, regional and local levels on stormwater management, we are helping build resilient communities through green and grey infrastructure improvements. This RA position would support facilitation of the Calumet Stormwater Collaborative,  as well as advance our research on stormwater policies, planning, and funding mechanisms. Skills needed include some knowledge of stormwater solutions, urban planning and or environmental policy/law/economics, qualitative and quantitative research and writing with GIS skills a plus.

Housing and Community Development: This project will include conducting research on community impact assessment models and conducting an analysis of how this tool might be adopted locally, based on local and state-wide policies. This will also include analysis of approaches to create and implement equitable housing and development strategies, researching best practices for inputs to include in a community impact assessment tool and conducting research around key resource needs to support the development of a tool.

Research. MPC's Research Team works to collect and analyze data in service of programmatic areas, as well as other relevant topics of interest for the region's residents. We are looking for research assistants with a strong interest in furthering work related to affordable housing/land use, and are also interested in analyzing key demographic trends with a specific focus on racial equity. Strong data collection and analytical skills needed, including experience using quantitative/spatial analytics platforms like ArcGIS, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel.

Government outreach and legislative tracking. Supports work to develop relationships with policymakers at multiple levels, develop and advance legislative initiatives, and increase overall organizational capacity for policy change.

Urban development monitoring (to be combined with another project). MPC monitors and reviews high-impact real estate development projects on an ongoing basis in order to be more fully informed, positioning us to take a proactive stance at opportune moments. We are looking for an RA to dedicate part of their research assistantship to overseeing and updating the development tracking database, analyzing trends, and convening briefings to staff.

Innovative Land Use. This project is working to plan for productive reuses of underutilized land. Current work includes exploring opportunities for land acquisition or reuse for parks, conservation areas, renewable energy, etc. Strong GIS, research, and writing skills necessary.

Overall program: 

MPC’s volunteer research assistants are a vital part of the organization’s success. Depending on the project at hand, RAs conduct original research, write blog posts and case studies, organize community meetings, perform GIS and quantitative analysis and a range of other work.

You may apply for an RA position at any time, but as a general guideline new RAs start around May 1, September 1 and January 2. Candidates receiving school credit or compensation through a fellowship or work-study program will receive preference in staffing decisions, but all are welcome to apply. MPC will have a very limited number of paid Research Assistant positions available in 2020; please indicate in your application if you are seeking a paid or unpaid position. Summer RAs are expected to commit at least three days of work per week. 


Application Process: 

We are now accepting applications for Summer 2020 research assistant positions. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. If you are interested in a position, please send the following materials by e-mail to

  1. A current resume;
  2. A cover letter articulating your specific interest in MPC, the current projects you have the most interest in and what you believe you can add to them, and a proposed schedule; and
  3. A short (2-3 page) writing sample, and if applicable, examples of geospatial analysis or design work.
  4. Compensation or credit:
    1. Compensation from MPC: Please note if you are applying for an unpaid Research Assistant position, or if you require compensation from MPC. 
    2. External compensation: Note if you are seeking Federal work-study compensation or external funding from your college/university or an outside program to fund your position at MPC. 
    3. Please note if you are applying for this position to receive college/university course credit, or fulfill an internship requirement

No phone calls, please. For more information on MPC, please visit our website:

MPC is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. 

For more information on this opportunity, please contact: