Earl R. Franklin Research Fellowship in Psychology
Supports summer research projects in Psychology.
This research award will provide $4,000-$6,000 to support third year students majoring in Psychology to carry out psychological research under the guidance of a faculty member at the University of Chicago during the summer before their fourth year. The stipend is intended to cover summer living expenses so that the student can work on research in anticipation of continuing this research as a senior honors thesis project in the fourth year.
Application Process:
Eligible students can apply by submitting a brief (3- 4 page) research proposal that explains the background for the research project, the specific aims of the research project, the proposed methods that will be used, and the significance and implications of the research. Supporting materials to accompany the proposal should include:
• A brief (1 page) personal statement covering career goals and interests that would be pursued after graduation, how the applicant’s course work has served in preparation of these goals, and a description of any relevant research experience.
• A copy of your transcript (an unofficial copy is fine).
• A letter of recommendation from your honors thesis adviser.
Selection of Earl Franklin Scholars will be based on: (1) an evaluation of the research proposal and personal statement, (2) the strength of the letter of recommendation, (3) overall GPA, and (4) grades and completed coursework in Psychology. Please submit all application materials along with contact information to Kristi Schonwald kschonwa@uchicago.edu by 5 pm April 1, 2022. All application materials (excluding letters of recommendation) should be combined in one PDF and emailed to kschonwa@uchicago.edu. Letters of recommendation should be emailed directly from faculty recommenders to kschonwa@uchicago.edu.